
How to insert signature in word 2016
How to insert signature in word 2016

how to insert signature in word 2016

Your alternative is to use underscores and spaces to position information, or possibly set up a special table. The use of tabs for signature lines allows for much more precise positioning of the lines and the information underneath. As you can see in Figure B, there’s not enough room on the first page, so Word puts the entire signature line on page 2.

how to insert signature in word 2016

In addition, you should use a smaller-than-normal type size for the information line. The information line underneath requires two center-aligned tags. To get started, go to the Insert tab and hit Pictures.

How to insert signature in word 2016 how to#

The line for the signature and date (the one with the lines) required the setting of three tabs two of them right-aligned with an underscore leader, the other simply a left-aligned tab stop with no leader. In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to insert pictures and use the text wrapping features of Word 2016. If you click the down arrow to the right of the Signature Line button, be sure to select Microsoft Office Signature Line. Go to the Insert tab and in the Text group click Signature Line. You can create this signature line by using nothing but tabs, some of them with an underscore leader character. To add a digital signature line to your document, place the cursor where you want your signature to go. For example, consider the following type of signature line: Note these steps only apply to MS Word versions 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and Word 365: Place the cursor exactly where you would like your signature to appear in your Word document. Word, on the other hand, allows you to precisely position signature lines so they look almost typeset. Follow these essential steps to create signatures in Word documents. Insert the image where the signature should go. Or copy the image from another Office document. Insert Illustrations Pictures and select the image file. Use the dots at any of the four corners of. Drop the signature image into the letter in any of the usual ways. With some word processors you must guess at positioning signature lines on the page. To add the signature to your document, go to the Insert tab in the Word toolbar, select Pictures, and choose a method to insert the file you just saved. This tip is handy if you are putting together a contract or a form that requires signatures.

How to insert signature in word 2016