Clicking on their portraits reveals a detailed breakdown of their attributes in the main panel, the most important of them being Gravitas and Ambition. The important characters listed on the faction summary screen are your political pawns their turn-to-turn triumphs, trials, and tribulations directly affect the levels of Influence their parties can accumulate or lose. The faction screen is also where you can attempt to manipulate the balance of power between parties by using character-targeted political actions like assassinations, marriage proposals, or promotions to higher office, amongst others. In this screen you can view everything you need to know about the inner politics of your faction, such as who the opposition parties are, how much Influence they have compared to you, as well as the traits and attributes of all politically relevant characters. This is the main hub of the politics system, accessed by clicking the circular icon of your faction’s symbol located at the centre of the main campaign user interface. Therefore, players looking to learn Grand Campaign politics might want to choose one of the other available factions to start off with, for which the balance only has to be kept between the ruling party and one opposition group. For the rest of the factions, there is only the ruling party and one opposition party.Ĭontrolling the balance of political power is more challenging when the levels of Influence have to be maintained between more than two parties, as is the case with Rome and Carthage. The choice of which Roman or Carthaginian family to control is made in the menu screen right before the campaign starts, with each different house or dynasty giving various different advantages and/or disadvantages in terms of faction effect bundles. Note that only Rome and Carthage have multi-family politics – that is, their political parties are divided up amongst more than two groups representing specific families. Depending on the chosen faction, the total number of political parties can range from two to four. In the Rome II Grand Campaign, the player controls the ruling party containing the faction leader. Getting Started: The Basics Multi-Party Politics: Choosing families The civil war event is essentially the political end game, which will be talked about in greater detail later in this guide. Players who choose not to pay attention to Influence levels run the risk of having this occur when they least expect it, especially in the late game as their Imperium level reaches the latter tiers.

When such a challenge occurs, a rival political party will break off and appear as a new enemy faction, initiating a civil war. On the other hand, a player who is active in politics will be able to maintain good levels of political stability for as long as possible, prolonging the amount of time before a challenge is made to their leadership. However, in the long term, inaction will likely result in certain parties gaining or losing Influence excessively without you knowing. There is no single approach political non-involvement (in other words, letting the political situation unfold on its own while concentrating on civil and military matters) is not necessarily a bad thing, at least in the short term.
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This includes military and civil choices that might not seem to be directly political, such as which generals to appoint, which skills or ancillaries to upgrade them with, and even the order in which technologies are researched.

Affecting the Influence that each party possesses really boils down to the choices you make throughout the course of your campaign. As a general rule, too much or too little Influence held by any one party, whether ruling or not, will always equate to political imbalance, potentially planting the seeds of insurrection. Ultimately, balance is the key – your political goal is to maintain inner stability, ensuring that no single party dominates the political arena. By carefully managing characters of political importance and engaging in the various political actions available to you, it is possible to control the constant sway of power that occurs between the parties within your faction. The first thing to know is that whether or not you choose to give it attention, party politics will always have some degree of overall consequence for your campaign.